Monday, December 17, 2012


This poem is featured around what occured recently in Newton, Conneticut this past friday. The events that happened were terrible and I cannot help but cry when I read articles, see reports and interviews about this school shooting. Their were 28 lives lost, most of which were children. Please help support the citizens and families in Newton who lost members of their communtity; these children won't be coming home this Christmas.

Houses crave to be "home"

Christmas is for family,
unless you are alone

the light swtiches wait to be flicked

schools are meant to be safe;
it wasn't then

the overturned seats yearn to be sat in

the children want attention
but not the type they got

hiding in a closet
all they hear is tears

It never happens to you,
until it does

you can live to retell the events
but part of you cannot survive

the part that was shot,
when you were a kid

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