Wednesday, April 16, 2014


And my words spit out
like fire to the reader

The walls fell down at my feet 
and suddenly I felt it all

I can't honestly say that
I'm leaving, because
I'm been running away for days

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


spears through my ears
heavy metal
heavy metal

wear them when i feel too nice
90s brit rock

right along with the likes of plaid, mohawks and safety pins

my spikes
tear you open don't they
piercing my ears
and you

heavy metal
spears of joy, pain and punk

oh sweet punk
they cut like vodka
rip like the dead

piercing my ears and your heart
like the shots of life
you're just sitting alone
and drunk


this ship is going down
taken too many hits

surely it shall sink
the mass ripped
and the lines cut

a little boat left to rust


sail on,
sail on

as if you ever could

you've been wrecked

only left to rotting wood

to drift on hopelessly

dreaming of a flapping sail

Sunday, December 22, 2013


my nerves melt
and worries disappear

my hands don't jitter
and my mind doesn't race

when i'm cruising down
concrete waves
on a wheeled surf board

gilding away from my life's

i'll never run from them,
buy i will cruise past

with a smile on my face,
no helmet
and my hair flowing a long blonde
flag, flapping in the wind.

Monday, August 12, 2013

college age books

reading philosophy books by the dozen
underlining lingo
doodling on the margin
highlighting, running out of ink
words I might not understand: circled to be looked up later or never
13 pages so far, but it's taken 30 minutes
marking up the page
researching religion
all for philosophy by the dozen
American Minds
Symbol of Age
The American Renaissance
Freedom of Thought
The Savages of America
A Study in Social Values
written in Oxford
Columbia Press
John Hopkins

Old with worn paper
faded binding and titles
smells like wood
smells like books
shelves beside my bed
the smell of old gold age
 book essence fills my nose
and drifts me off to sleep

Monday, January 21, 2013


I graze on stars like a cow
I stare at stars like a mad man
I feast upon the stars with a silver spoon

The stars are mine.
They are my only friends.

Some shine bright
Others shine brighter

That doesn't matter they are still there
the sky's diamonds and jewels
Strung with cosmic dust
I'd wear them proudly

I think about that often
While I'm gazing at stars
Feeling the universe
Mind going to mars

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

leftover words

erased words are left over
they leave their own mark
they imprint the page

they never quite go away
they linger and stay behind
they flicker there like lights
left turned on
using up energy
like a burned out lightbulb

leftover words
taking up space
being a pain
if wrote in pen