Monday, January 21, 2013


I graze on stars like a cow
I stare at stars like a mad man
I feast upon the stars with a silver spoon

The stars are mine.
They are my only friends.

Some shine bright
Others shine brighter

That doesn't matter they are still there
the sky's diamonds and jewels
Strung with cosmic dust
I'd wear them proudly

I think about that often
While I'm gazing at stars
Feeling the universe
Mind going to mars

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

leftover words

erased words are left over
they leave their own mark
they imprint the page

they never quite go away
they linger and stay behind
they flicker there like lights
left turned on
using up energy
like a burned out lightbulb

leftover words
taking up space
being a pain
if wrote in pen


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Past it all

Umbrella float me down
past solid ground

take me higher
past mountains and purple snow caps

float me past

big balloons

move mountains
over skyscrapers

and hillsides
and views

away from home
cover me rain
engulf me waterfalls of mist
sheild me umbrella
past it all


It's raining
drip drip
raining daises
it smells so sweet

sweet rain
trickling petals

it's raining daises

a skyfield

smelling of daises

the thought drives me crazy


dot dot
single page
red spot

several now
dripping pens
ink blood
pens bleed

arms rip
pens caps

red ink
I've become

a pen
watch me run

Monday, January 7, 2013

No where is home

Pink lips forming words I won't hear
Small emotions
becoming expressionless

Tuning in on my soul's piano
I play a happy song

It sounds twisted as I hear it
dark when I feel it

Like cold water rushing through my pipes

storm clouds swirl above
letting down tears
warm yet chilling to the touch

I think about my actions
I cannot take them back
for all I have done
has brought me here

Where I belong
no where

Words are invisible ink

I don't have scars.
I had scars.
they have faded.

Just like the person I was;
when these words hurt me.

When I tried to be perfect
I was shut down
turned off

morfed into this person with scars.

these scars only I can see

What I myself seem to be;
someone hiding behind a vocal blade

covered in sharp words.